Showing posts with label refresh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label refresh. Show all posts

Monday, February 21, 2022

Oven Baked Salmon

Remember the benefits of omega 3s to brain health I talked about last week?  Here's a delicious way to get those nutrients in your diet in less than 30 minutes. I'm excited to try this for dinner this week.

Monday, January 31, 2022

🤗 The Accountability Mirror🤗

I remember reading this for the first time and being like “Dang David! You didn’t have to come at me like dat!”


He is 1000% right!

If you tryna do something big, i. e. accomplish great things and/or create an impact, and you’re not getting results or making the milestones toward your goal, then it’s time to take a looooooong look in the mirror and deal with some stuff. 

Connect with some people that will hold you accountable and give you courage to do big things. 

Simply put…

Clear the cobwebs out yo mind and spirit that keeping you from gettin the bag 💰 

If you're really trying to reach some crazy, scary, I can't believe I'm even thinking about this, kinda goals, I encourage you to get Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins

Monday, January 24, 2022

🥺Push. Past. Pain.🥺

 It really is all in your head. 

One thing I’m know I’m really good at is suffering😂but any success I’ve had in life has been because I pushed past pain (try saying that 5x fast😆) and I was relentless in achieving my desired outcome.  

After all, I raised a whole human for God’s sake! I don’t mind telling you that she is an amazing and fantastic human with the biggest heart I’ve ever known. I can’t take all the credit tho… I had a little help from the Almighty🙏🏽

It takes courage to put your trust in God! For me, that’s the pushing past the 40% that David is talking about in his book, Can’t Hurt Me. Anyone can push up until it hurts. But it takes a whisper in your soul to make you take action and push past pain to get to where you wanna go. It’s the mind, soul and spirit vs. the brain for me. 

Your brain is there to protect you. But your mind, soul and spirit will take you where you want to go❣️🧠🧐🙏🏽🤗

Friday, January 22, 2021

Feeling under represented in the wellness space? Here's how to overcome it!

This delightful young lady wrote in an article in Cosmopolitan magazine about not being represented in the “wellness” niche. I know how she feels on so many fronts and I am sure I am not alone. Nevertheless, she, like me, was not afraid to try new things (many new things) to discover what works for her and what makes her feel good in pursuit of her own wellness goals. She discovered that listening to her body was the most effective way to achieve her weight loss and wellness goals. At the end of the day, that's what being healthy is all about, isn't it?

Here is what she had to say about her discoveries along her journey into her new wellness lifestyle:

“After a week of experimenting with surprisingly attainable recipes, the superfood-phobe in me realised it is possible to give your body and mind proper attention without necessarily resorting to fancy foods I can’t pronounce. It might sound obvious, but actual[ly] living, [it] has done confidence-boosting wonders for someone who felt a little excluded from the wellness zeitgeist”.

I agree that some of the wellness or “fitness” images that we see on our timeline has been, in the best of terms, somewhat deceiving. I believe it's because a lot of so-called diets and workouts are designed to be a “one-size-fits-all” type of solution to achieving wellness. However, we know that’s not true.

I’ve always believed that you should run experiments on yourself (be your own guinea pig) in your quest to achieve wellness. Try new things and give them time to work (30 days is a good benchmark) to see if the system you've chosen is sustainable to your lifestyle. That means listening to your own body and truly studying what works for you. This is the secret sauce to wellness, fitness and weight loss.

Monday, July 6, 2020

God wants what you have left

Even when you think you have lost everything, God will use what you have left to create miracles in your life 

What this says to me is:

🙌🏾You have to start where you are to get where you want to go. 
🙌🏾You gotta start messy and continue until get a flow going. 
🙌🏾You gotta keep going until you start setting the example. 
🙌🏾You gotta set the example until others want to follow. 
🙌🏾You gotta have others follow so you can start building community. 
🙌🏾You gotta build community so people start talking about that joy they found in that thing they are doing
🙌🏾You gotta have people talking so much that they build their own community around this here good thing
🙌🏾And you keep going until He pours down a blessing in the form of LEGACY until you hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Just think...This all starts from what you have left...

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Time to detox!

Does this sound familiar:

👉🏽I’m really thinking a lot about the way I lived my life in the past and how I intend to live now to prepare for my future
👉🏽I can’t sleep at night and feel lethargic during the day
👉🏽 I would do about anything for just a little more energy
👉🏽I wanna focus on my health but who has the time? 

I hear you. It’s been a crazy few months but you can find some calm in the anxiety and rejuvenation from the fatigue. Let’s focus on our health as the foundation for all other things we want to do. I have an idea that might help. For starters, I’m joining my team’s 11 day glow up challenge starting July 6th. For 11 days, we are going to nourish our bodies in a way the reduces the stress, gives us a good night’s sleep (I know right, what is that😳), giving us the energy to get through the day! 

Inquire within to get all the details on how join us on July 6th. Bring a couple of friends with you and share the love 💗 It’s gonna be a blast!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Resolve to Start Now

By now, another new year’s resolution to be healthy once and for all is all but forgotten and you have already given up. You’re thinking you’ve tried everything to be healthy and finally get to your goal weight and nothing is working. Why not just drink on the weekends, eat what’s not so great for me and enjoy life, right? But you are miserable and deep in your gut, you know there has got to be a better way. No matter what you are thinking about your progress so far, I'm here to tell you, it is not too late. Resolve to start now, TODAY, and learn how to do it different this time!

I have learned over the last several years that lack of peer support and the right tools are the missing links to why people don't succeed in leading a healthy lifestyle. The truth is, no one can do it alone. When I started my journey, I was 50 lbs overweight, aging and dealing with all of the issues associated with all of that. I needed help. So, I joined a group of people who were working out with me, supported me and held me accountable to my goals. It wasn’t easy but in a little over a year, I lost 35lbs, had more energy and felt better than I had in years. It was the soul of the accountability group that helped me achieve my health and wellness goals and now I want to pay it forward by helping you do the same.

Why spend $100s of dollars on personal trainers, nutritionists and gym memberships you don’t use? Do something that is more fun, gets results, you can do in the privacy of your own home (or take it with you) and WORKS!

I am about to start a 30 day Fierce and Fabulous Fit Camp soon that will be designed specifically for beginners and those who want to recharge their fitness journey. In this group, you will be provided with all the resources you need to begin your new healthy lifestyle without spending a fortune!

Your tool kit will include the following:

*Streaming workout programs designed for the beginner to the athlete led by a certified personal trainer

*A 30 day supply of superfood nutrition to help you power through your workouts

*A meal plan that guides you through healthy eating with meals that are delicious and simple to make

*Peer support led by yours truly in an online environment filled with people just like you who will begin this journey with you so you never have feel alone

This could be an amazing beginning to a fantastic lifestyle that you will never regret starting... like right now! LEARN MORE and get a free full presentation of what you can expect when you join a fit camp! Time is of the essence because we start tomorrow! So make the decision to START TODAY!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Turn Up Tuesday-How fitness geeks celebrate

Don’t you love a good success story? How do people turn their life around by focusing on their health? The discovery is nothing short of amazing when you find out that focusing on fitness improves other areas in your life. Well here is Briana’s story. Briana lost 53 lbs. using full, comprehensive programs that she did at home!

“I used to overeat every day and binge on junk food after a long day at work. I also hardly ever exercised. I had gained weight steadily over the past few years because of these bad habits. I was ashamed with how I looked in the mirror and clothes never fit me the way I wanted. I had lost self-love for myself and all confidence with the way I looked.

I was inspired to change my life and begin my transformation journey because I’ve always said I will look my best at 25 years old. So when I hit 24 I knew I needed to do something to get my body back in shape and lose the weight I had gained over the past few years. People around me that ate healthy and looked fit inspired me. I wanted to look like them and feel good again. I knew that if I made the effort to eat healthy and exercise that I could do it in a year.

I was inspired to change my life and begin my transformation journey

My greatest challenge I faced was staying committed to any type of program. But because of the motivation, support, and accountability that I received from my Coach, and people within the accountability groups online, I was able to stay on track.

Over the last year, I did a few different at-home programs which all incorporated a mixture of weight lifting/strength training and cardio - to reach my goal. I really liked this because you get the advantages of both types of exercise.

I have lost 53 pounds and upwards of 45 inches off my body. I am now strong enough to do push-ups, many bodyweight moves, and my heart is strong enough to endure intense cardio. But I am most proud that I am healthier, stronger, and happier than I have ever been in my entire life.”

Has this story inspired you to change your life? There are many ways to get started on your own transformation journey and I can help you along the way. I know the thought of doing something new is scary but what do you have to lose by starting today except never living out your true potential? You have to ask yourself, are you okay with that?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ready to Refresh your Body?

Would you like to prepare your body for a new fitness regimen but don’t know where to start?  Are you trying to clean up your nutrition with a new, healthy eating strategy?  Try the 3 Day Refresh to jump-start your healthy nutrition and fitness plan. 

The 3-Day Refresh is 3-day program of specially formulated shakes, healthy snacks, and delicious, easy-to-prepare meals that have been scientifically designed to help you lose weight and break the cycle of bad eating while dramatically improving the way you feel. Unlike juice fasts or liquid cleanses that are high in sugar and low in protein (which can leave you feeling weak and sluggish), the 3-Day Refresh is scientifically designed to help support your metabolism while nourishing your vital organs. Plus, you actually get to eat delicious, real food during this program.

You don’t have to do the 3 day Refresh alone.  I’ll do it with you!  What do you have to lose but a few unwanted pounds?  Comment below if you wanna start this 3 day program with me.
3 Day Refresh

5 ways nutritional supplements improve your health

From ancient times people have been taking natural herbs, often homegrown and brewed into teas and tonics. Now they have become more sophist...