Wednesday, September 9, 2020

3 things folks often overlook during their weight loss journey

What you eat

Hey let’s face it what you eat matters. If you’re not getting enough protein, fiber and carbs (yes, I said it, carbs) you are going to experience plateaus and weight gain. 

Examples of the types of protein you should consider are:

Lean beef such as flank steak, sirloin 90% lean ground beef

Fresh tuna, albacore or chunk light tuna fish in the can ( in water)

Chicken thighs (trimmed) chicken breast



If you can get you chicken and beef organic or grass fed and your fish wild caught, all the better. 

Examples of the types of fiber you should consider are:

Green leafy greens like spinach, kale, spring greens (for salads)

broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini

Examples of the types of carbs you should consider are:

Sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain pasta, green beans, green peas, carrots, turnips

Although some of these are typically in the veggie category, they are also a great source of carbohydrates that don’t do a ton of damage to the waistline. 

When you eat

I can’t stress this enough.  When you eat is just as important as what you eat in my humble opinion.  Frankly, practicing intermittent fasting is a very effective way to manage your weight. Intermittent fasting is when you choose an eating window in your day.  For example, my eating window is typically 12p - 8p eating the largest meal of the day first. Throughout the eating window, I decrease the portions proportionately at each meal.  The last meal of the day is the lightest, usually a superfood shake which I have found boosts my metabolism and makes for a more restful night’s sleep.

A good night’s sleep
Speaking of sleep, it should never be underestimated how much a good night’s sleep contributes to weight management. The more sound sleep you get, the deeper the rejuvenation of your bodily functions and the healthier your metabolism will be.  We all know that your metabolism contributes significantly to achieving a healthy weight. A good night’s sleep will almost guarantee your weight loss goals once you make how much you sleep and your quality of sleep a priority.

Bonus Tip!


How much you move is definitely related to healthy weight management.  While diet and sleep account for about 90% of your weight loss goals, movement and exercise give you an edge.  Even walking can get the heart rate up, help you break a sweat and get the blood flowing.  All of that contribute to the commonly accepted and basic concept of calories in calories out that is essential to effective weight loss. Thirty minutes a day is all you need.  So take that walk at lunch time. Taking a walk does wonders for your digestion and it’ll do you good to enjoy the sunshine (on a nice day) and get some vitamin D as well as clear your mind from the stresses of the day.

So there you have it. My tips for healthy weight loss. If you want to begin your weight loss journey but don’t know where start, start here

Thursday, September 3, 2020

When you have checked all the boxes...

You got good grades in school. You were a good girl and didn’t make any trouble.You did your best to be the perfect girlfriend. You had a moment of rebellion just to try to fit in. You met the man of your dreams and vowed to be everything he ever needed. You became a mother and swore to be the best mother God gave you the strength and power to be. You went college and earned an advanced degree. You went out to work in a world that demanded more than your best time and time again and you always and consistently delivered. You didn’t need anybody’s help. You got this!

For all your hard work 😓 you:

Still got rejected by your parents.

Still wasn’t what he wanted.

Still was the last to be invited to the party.

Still got bamboozled by the husband.

Still fell short as a parent.

Still got taken advantage of in exchange for your good will at work.

Still wasn’t smart enough.

Still wasn’t good enough.

For all your effort, you realize you ain’t got this!

Don’t you deserve better? 

Don’t you deserve to live a life full of wellbeing and purpose?

Don’t you deserve to know love and peace in a way that surpasses all understanding?

Don’t you deserve to have more, do more, be more?

Don’t you deserve to enjoy good health, be financially fit and renew your mind to the highest esteem?

You can! Starting today! In order to have more you have to be more so you can do more. You have that power. It all starts with a desire and a decision to create change that creates focus and determination to go where you want to go and be who you want to be.

I know it’s a big decision. Bigger than the decision to get married, have kids, go back to school or even accept an offer for a job. Keep in mind, all those decisions were made in fear.  Fear of your biological clock. Fear of being rejected. Fear of failure. Fear he wouldn’t love me. Fear she wouldn’t respect me. Fear of being alone. Fear of (fill in the blank) How about we change the narrative? How about we start stepping out on FAITH!?!

Why not change the thoughts in our mind to know and accept that anything is possible with God?  How about we write some crazy, awesome dreams down on paper and take them to God in prayer? How about having some hope for something more than just checking the boxes of what the world expects of you?

What if you did that and changed your life in such an amazing way that you won’t even recognize the life you left behind? If fear was no object and faith took its place, what could your life look like in 5 years?

Monday, August 24, 2020


 Have you ever needed to have a gut wrenching, crying out to God SOB? 

Today was one of those days for me.  I had just fallen AGAIN and I got up quick enough to get the rest of the groceries back in the house and then....I let it all hang out. I didn’t even know I needed to get that soul breaking cry out but before I knew it, it was happening! It was one of those cries where you can't even make the sounds you just...your soul is crying out to your Creator. Crying out for your body to function like it should.  Crying out so you can do and execute like you know you should but you can't make your mind and skill work for you.  You’re stuck! Crying out for the faith to overcome the fear that builds inside you daily and rears its ugly head when your heart wants to execute like your life depends on it. Crying, sobbing, begging for God to take over because YOU CAN’T anymore...not without HIM.


Sometimes in our lives the shift that you desperately want to happen doesn’t because your pride or toxic positivity (yeah, I said that!) doesn’t allow you the cleansing cry you need to achieve clarity. Be real when you get on your knees. He knows your heart anyway. That will make you bawl, for real!

Let’s be very clear. Your pride will have you thinking that crying is punking out and a distraction from what you need to be doing. But if you’re stuck and not making any progress toward your goals, it is likely that your fear is taking over and you don’t truly believe that what you have to offer the world really makes a difference. Toxic positivity is telling you that the little you are doing is baby steps in the right direction and you might be listening to other people telling you the same thing.  But you and I both know its not nearly enough to make significant progress on your goals. When this happens, you might need a cleansing that I like to call a soul cry.

My soul cry today gave me clarity and frankly, the willingness to surrender my goals and dreams to God. I know He is going to let me know exactly where I am coming up short and where I need to lean in.  I know that I have to choose faith, put my trust in Him and trust the process.  

I have a renewed passion now. I know that I have to do the work to do the work. What does that mean? I have to create a plan and reverse engineer how to get there. This is something that needs to be done every day. With the help of my Creator, I know that I have the strength, courage and discipline to get the job done.

What area of your life do you need to have a soul cry about?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Self doubt to self audit


I used to be so overwhelmed with self-doubt that often I wondered if I could do anything right. Whether it was struggling with my weight, my relationships, at work or business, I never felt good enough and so I often struggled with meeting my goals. 


I became so frustrated I said to myself, “something’s gotta give”. I started to pray. I started looking for ways that I could overcome these problem areas in my life. I started researching these different areas and see if there was any insight into how I could turn these things around. 


Eventually what I found was that I needed to conduct a self audit.  It looked a little something like this:


🤔Was I doing the work necessary to get results in these different areas of my life where I was having the most difficulty? 


🤔Was I following a meal plan and exercising to reach my health goals?  


🤔Was I trying to find common ground with people I work with so that we can have a more collaborative relationship rather than a combative relationship?  


🤔Was I talking about and promoting my ideas for new business ventures in a way that made people want to invest in new products or services? 


When I realized that I was coming up short, it was time to start soul searching. It was time to start crafting a plan for every area of my life where I wanted to see significant improvement. It was time to start crafting a plan for success.  

I began to take control of my life. I began putting things in action. Then I started to get the results I wanted. I recognized that I had the power to manifest my dreams into reality. I took ownership and things started to turn around. 

This process is simple but never easy. It is a renewed commitment you have to make every day to move the needle forward in your life. If I could do it I know that you can. You have that power. Never surrender it to someone or something else. 🤗

Monday, July 6, 2020

God wants what you have left

Even when you think you have lost everything, God will use what you have left to create miracles in your life 

What this says to me is:

🙌🏾You have to start where you are to get where you want to go. 
🙌🏾You gotta start messy and continue until get a flow going. 
🙌🏾You gotta keep going until you start setting the example. 
🙌🏾You gotta set the example until others want to follow. 
🙌🏾You gotta have others follow so you can start building community. 
🙌🏾You gotta build community so people start talking about that joy they found in that thing they are doing
🙌🏾You gotta have people talking so much that they build their own community around this here good thing
🙌🏾And you keep going until He pours down a blessing in the form of LEGACY until you hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Just think...This all starts from what you have left...

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Time to detox!

Does this sound familiar:

👉🏽I’m really thinking a lot about the way I lived my life in the past and how I intend to live now to prepare for my future
👉🏽I can’t sleep at night and feel lethargic during the day
👉🏽 I would do about anything for just a little more energy
👉🏽I wanna focus on my health but who has the time? 

I hear you. It’s been a crazy few months but you can find some calm in the anxiety and rejuvenation from the fatigue. Let’s focus on our health as the foundation for all other things we want to do. I have an idea that might help. For starters, I’m joining my team’s 11 day glow up challenge starting July 6th. For 11 days, we are going to nourish our bodies in a way the reduces the stress, gives us a good night’s sleep (I know right, what is that😳), giving us the energy to get through the day! 

Inquire within to get all the details on how join us on July 6th. Bring a couple of friends with you and share the love 💗 It’s gonna be a blast!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Coping in a challenging and quickly more transparent world

Many good, God-fearing people have been asking questions like, “How can I help”, Where can I donate? What can I do? I’m only one person!” 

Well, I have answers! You can help your child learn RIGHT from WRONG just like you teach them manners. You can DONATE time to your child’s upbringing and be in control of what they are exposed to including but not limited to what they watch on TV, what they are seeing on the internet and the company they keep. Guide h/her thinking to not judge people by the color of their skin but the content of their character. You have to be a living breathing example of what you claim you want to help, donate and do in the world and pass that down to your kids. This is how you can help. This is how you can donate. This what you do! 

We won’t end centuries of nurtured and cultivated racism overnight and we shouldn’t expect widespread forgiveness overnight.

Monday, June 15, 2020

The day I stopped drinking the koolaid

I’m no spring chicken. I’ve been working for somebody else since I was a teenager. That’s like 35 years now. You figure, you work for someone for 40years, save your money in a 401k and have a worry-free retirement. It was right around 2018 that I stopped drinking the koolaid. 

We all found real quick that life has a way of laughing at you while you’re working on ya ONE plan. 

As for me, it wasn’t long before I realized that I need to DO ME. I need to look out for my family and I need to work hard for MY dreams. Not dedicate what time I have left to build some else’s dream.

The great thing about what I’m doing now is I am helping people do the 2 most important things people need right now - stay healthy and make money. This is the way I am committed to making an impact on the health and financial stability of the people around me. Now that’s worth working hard for. THAT fulfills me. THAT is what gives me purpose!

Above all, I have the best support from the best TEAM in the business. Y’all know who you are😉They know what my goals and they are as committed as I am to achieve those goals. This is an enormous undertaking but with their help, I feel like I can lift the WORLD 🌎

So I ask you, why should you be spending another day making someone else dreams come true while your dreams fall by the wayside? Be a skeptic if you want, but do right by YOU and give yourself the opportunity to explore a better way. I’m here to help😊

5 ways nutritional supplements improve your health

From ancient times people have been taking natural herbs, often homegrown and brewed into teas and tonics. Now they have become more sophist...