Friday, September 29, 2023

Are fats and carbs bad for you?

Making a commitment to have healthier eating habits is a tough one. Knowing how to implement that commitment may be even harder. Where do you start? What foods should you eat, and which ones should you stay away from? These are all questions you should answer before going out to the grocery store.

a plate with avocado and egg
We need nutrients to survive. We need vitamins, minerals and calories every day. There are two types of nutrients. Micronutrients are our vitamins and minerals and macronutrients are where our calories come from. The three types of macronutrients are fat, carbohydrates and proteins.

Many people think that all fats are bad and recently started thinking all carbohydrates are bad too. That leaves us with just protein. If this were the case, our diets wouldn't be very enjoyable and more importantly, in complete. Fortunately, not all fats and carbohydrates are bad.

With all the negative publicity recently, you might be afraid to eat any carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are our main fuel source. Our brain can't use anything else to power itself with and our muscles will work the best on it. Don't deprive yourself of it. Carbohydrates that you should stay away from are simple sugars that are found in candy, sodas and many snacks. Good carbohydrates such as whole grain and fruits will keep you energized throughout the day and help you avoid sugar highs and lows.

Fats are also very important. Without fat, our body wouldn't be able to utilize some of the vitamins we consume. Fat is found in our cell walls and makes up a big part of hormones. Fats you should avoid are saturated fats that come in meat, milk and dairy products. Everyone should consume good (unsaturated fats) that come from plant sources such as nuts and olives.

Keep in mind that balance is the name of the game here when you’re thinking about improving your diet. For assistance from a certified nutrition coach, fill out this health and wellness questionnaire to get personalized guidance on your path toward healthier eating.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Cracking the Code: Understanding Calorie Requirements Based on Your Unique Characteristics

calorie requirements are highly individual and different for the different type of body characteristics such as height, gender, age and activity levels.
Understanding your body requirements is an invaluable tool for developing fitness. Your daily body requirements include vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and fiber. Vitamins and minerals are the elements that are necessary for chemical reactions that unlock energy or enable growth. Although your body can store some vitamins, a regular daily intake is important because some of the most vital vitamins, B and C, are water-soluble, so are quickly flushed out of the system.

It's important to ensure your daily food intake includes all the nutrients your body needs. Here are some tips to ensure your diet includes the essentials:


       Eat more fruit and vegetables.

       Eat starchy foods such as rice, bread, potatoes, and pasta in moderation. Choose whole grain varieties where available.

       Eat healthy fats (avocado, olive oil), salt and sugar in moderation.

       Eat protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, and eggs. A protein rich diet is essential to support proper neuro muscular function especially when strength training.

       Drink at least 50-75% of your weight in ounces (eg. If you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75-100 ounces) of water a day to prevent dehydration. In hotter climates, drink more.

The average woman needs around 2000 calories per day to fulfill her body requirements. This calorie requirement rises to 2500 for average men. However, these figures are based on averages and may be completely different for many individuals. If the same person becomes less active, then calorie requirements will be lower. For this reason, calorie requirements are highly individual and different for the different type of body characteristics such as height, gender, age and activity levels.

Energy is used up in physical work as well as in exercising for pleasure. People who do physically demanding work need to make sure they get enough food to meet their energy needs. It's also important that they find time to rest and relax at the end of the day to let their bodies recover.

Children, and adults with less demanding physical work, have lower calorie requirements than People who do physically demanding work. They should exercise or play a sport to stay fit and maintain a proper weight. Brisk walking, swimming, jogging, cycling or playing ball games are all ideal.

Lack of exercise in the elderly can reinforce age related limitations and handicaps that further reduce physical activity. The elderly should therefore eat according to their calorie requirements and keep up a comfortable level of physical activity. Gentle exercise such as walking or swimming is ideal. Irregular, strenuous exercise should be avoided.

Those who have been inactive for long periods, especially if this is a result of illness, should have a health check before starting to exercise or resuming heavy physical work. Activity levels should be built up gradually, taking care not to do too much too soon and fulfilling calorie requirements according to activity levels.

Moderation is the golden rule. Eating in moderation combined with moderate exercise is the best approach for everyone. Regular exercise and a balanced diet that best meets your body's needs, helps you stay fit and healthy.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Calcium: When You Take It, It Works

Calcium has been recommended and widely accepted as an essential mineral for bone and skeletal health and numerous body functions-regulating heartbeat, conducting nerve impulses, stimulating hormonal secretions and clotting the blood. Now, some conflicting and potentially misleading research is threatening to negate the efficacy of this vital mineral. 

2 cups of Milk
One factor that the study, published by the Women's Health Initiative, got right was that the government's recommended daily dosage is necessary to receive the benefits associated with calcium consumption and supplementation. Yet more than half of the study participants did not adhere to the recommended calcium supplementation, making improvements in bone density a nearly impossible result. Meanwhile, those that did comply experienced a whopping 29 percent lower risk of hip fractures.

Americans, both young and old, are failing to meet calcium intake requirements and the incidence of osteoporosis is climbing. During adolescent and teenage years, when 45 percent of bone mass is formed, meeting calcium requirements is essential. According to the Journal of Pediatrics, however, only 10 percent of teenage girls and 30 percent of teenage boys are meeting adequate calcium intake, which places them at serious risk for stunted growth, bone disease and, eventually, osteoporosis.

Calcium is available through dairy products and green, leafy vegetables, yet incorporating adequate amounts into a modern, hectic lifestyle, regardless of age, is often unrealistic. Calcium-fortified foods and supplements, however, can fill the gap.

"It's very important that people do take a supplement if they're not getting enough calcium in their diet," says Nicholina Galinsky, R.N. "Unfortunately, most of us are not aware that we have osteoporosis until we break a bone." 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Ahhhh... The Power of the Goji Berry

Modernization is wonderful, but there are also other factors in the modern life we live in that may subject our bodies to harm.  Understanding what can harm us and what will help us will be our best defense.

Free radicals, our body’s natural enemy, subject our body to more than 10,000 hits during a normal day.  If our body is not able to combat the harmful effect of free radicals, then it may give us disease and prematurely age our body including our skin.

The pristine valleys of Tibet and Mongolia have a solution to this problem.

What do you think is their secret?

Goji berries

Introducing goji juice, made from goji berries grown in the remote and unpolluted hills and valleys of Tibet and Mongolia.  Experts who want to save the people who live in this modern society studied what must be wonderful about these Himalayan diets and why they live so long and free from diseases. Their studies prove that their diet perpetually includes goji berries.

Further studies on goji berries prove that they are nutritious and contain vital nutrients necessary to combat free radicals.

Goji juice contains potent vitamins and minerals like no other berry.

Goji juice also contains 18 amino acids, 8 of which are essential for our bodies, but having all 18 adds to the beneficial characteristic of this wonderful red juice.

Based on studies by numerous health professionals including Dr. Earl Mindell, the author of The Vitamin Bible, goji juice made from goji berries can give your body all the nutrients it needs to help keep a healthy and happy life.

Goji juice, aside from the 18 amino acids also has 21 trace minerals, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and Vitamin E.  All of these can help you live a healthy and active life.

Some of the beneficial effects of drinking goji juice are:

Energy and Strength – goji juice is considered as an adaptogen.  It increases exercise tolerance, stamina and endurance.  Goji juice may also enhance the recovery of ill patients.

Cholesterol level balance – goji juice contains beta-sitosterol may also help manage cholesterol.  It will also help avoid cholesterol deposit in the blood vessels, which supports a healthy heart.

Normal Kidney Function – your kidney is a vital organ that may possibly control the brain and other organs in the body.  It is essential for better health that you keep your body functioning optimally.  Goji juice is believed to be helpful in keeping this essential organ functioning properly.

Supports General Health – as mentioned earlier, free radicals harm our body in many ways. Thus, eliminating this natural enemy will help keep our body strong and healthy.  Goji juice is a potent antioxidant that may keep random illnesses at bay.

Other beneficial factors which may come from goji juice are enhanced sexual function, blood sugar level balance and supports good vision.

This is because goji juice contains more beta-carotene even compared to a carrot.  The vitamin C contents of goji juice, which is 500 times more in weight than orange, will help keep the immune system functioning properly to avoid illness.

These are only a few of the helpful and beneficial functions of goji juice and because goji juice is safe even for children.

If drinking this sweet and tasty juice excites you, you can also enjoy goji berries with your food.  You can eat them fresh or dried goji berries are also available.  Get creative and use your imagination and explore how you can enjoy these wonderful and amazing berries.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Benefits Of Carrot, Carrot Seed Oil And Carrot Root Oil

You’ve probably heard this a million times, but carrots really do help your eyesight. It may come across as a myth, but it is not. This is due to the beta-carotene which gives carrot its orange color. It contains huge quantities of vitamin A. Due to its high nutrient density, carrots are a must have on your plate!

Carrot juice helps to remove the indigestible fiber. It is also rich in minerals and known to be very good for your skin. Cooked carrots are more nutritious with the most benefits.

Skin Care Remedies
Carrot seed oil is especially good for the skin. The presence of beta carotene and vitamin A helps to you maintain that youthful glow. It maintains the elasticity of the skin which happens to sag as we age. These oils are used quite regularly in many skin care products. It protects sun damaged and mature skin. It keeps the skin firmer and more radiant due to its anti-aging properties.

Carrot oil, another crucial part of the carrot, is also very beneficial. The presence of carotenoids helps to reduce the damage due to ultraviolet rays. By protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays, it also protects you from skin cancer. It provides a natural tanning boost to your skin when applied. The best part about nature is that nothing goes waste. The carrot root oil if mixed with any of the other base oil helps your skin tremendously. It also helps with dry skin and rejuvenates the basal layer.

Skin Care Remedies

Grate one carrot and mix it with a spoonful of honey. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. By using it regularly you will make out the difference.

Carrot juice if applied on blemishes regularly helps them to fade away.

For a carrot skin mask, you need raw carrots and lemon juice. Grate the carrot and add some lemon juice and apply this mixture on your face and neck. You can do the same with cooked carrots by blending them and adding 5 tbsp honey or yogurt. Apply it and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

By mixing pineapple and carrot juice you can make a fine blend for glowing skin. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it and pat it dry.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Beginners Guide To Healthy Eating

If you’re currently not eating a healthy diet, it can be difficult to start such a plan. However, healthy eating along with some exercise is very important for maintaining a good bodily function and goes a long way towards living a disease-free life. If you struggle with healthy eating, then you know that breaking unhealthy habits can be the most difficult part of the process. Therefore, if you truly want to live the best lifestyle possible, it is important to follow tips in order to start eating a healthier diet. 

Get rid of temptation.

A great first step when you want to start eating your way to a healthy lifestyle is to rid your home of all temptations that will distract you from following better eating habits. Ideally it would be a wise course to keep junk foods and beverages out of your house so as not be tempted to snack during the day. If you’re worried about getting hungry, keep healthy snacks like carrot sticks, yogurt, fresh fruit, or whole-wheat crackers on hand. If you find that you just cannot bear to toss out the sweets, try keeping something tiny on hand, peppermints or barley sugar. Eating a few, (emphasis on few) of these won’t ruin your diet but also will give you that little sugary fix you crave.

healthy eating along with some exercise is very important for maintaining a good bodily function and goes a long way towards living a disease-free life.

Learn how to listen to your body.

Another great step to healthy eating, when you’re first starting the process, is to take a few moments to learn what foods are the healthiest for you and how they work within the body. To begin healthy eating, we must start with a healthy mindset. Most people understand that fruits, vegetables, and lean meats and dairy products are good for you, but few people understand why. The key is learning about nutrients. When you understand how specific nutrients work and why you need them, it becomes more reasonable for you to make healthier choices for your body. Knowledge really is power!

Preparation is a major key when starting a new healthy diet. 

You must take into consideration your schedule for meals. If you often eat in a hurry at odd times of day, you are probably more inclined to grab fast food which will probably do more harm than good. So, plan ahead! Instead of grabbing a fast-food lunch on the go, take a bagged lunch to work, complete with a healthy wrap and some fresh fruit and vegetables. Remember not to forget your evening meal, a simple plan to have a meal ready before you get home would be perfect, but in our fast-paced lifestyle, sometimes this just can’t be done. One way to solve this problem is to plan out your evening meals for the week, on your days off. Perhaps just before you do your weekly shopping. Another warning: when going to the supermarket, do not go food shopping hungry because if you're anything like me, one or two chocolate bars won’t hurt! That becomes the first break in your healthy eating. 

Initially, many will find it very difficult to make those necessary changes to healthier eating. Along with the difficulty of change, you may not feel well for a short period of time. Usually this is normal as your body is adjusting to your new and improved lifestyle and is cleansing itself from the unhealthy toxins built up from poor eating habits. However, if this feeling continues or you are worried a visit to your doctor would be the correct thing to do.

Start with baby steps and give yourself some grace. 

Even if you only replace one soda a day with a glass of water, you are really improving your calorie intake. If you eat fast food every day for lunch, try replacing that half of the time with better quality foods. When you start by taking small steps you aren’t cutting out all the foods you love all at once. By taking your time to learn about your eating habits and slowly replacing them with better meals, by taking the time to learn and understand why you should be doing that and making the necessary changes in an orderly fashion, you will feel much better within yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally and well on the road to becoming as healthy as you can be.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Beans could be the answer to your diet nightmares

bowl of beans
So, you’re a healthy eating convert, and you want to start making sure all your meals are perfectly balanced. If you’re on a limited budget, though, you might have a problem. There’s a reason why most people get too much carbohydrate and fat and too little protein: most kinds of protein are expensive. Meat and cheese, two of the best sources of protein, are also two of the priciest ingredients you can buy.

So, if you want to eat healthily on the cheap, what’s the answer? Well, it might surprise you. What you need is beans.

Beans are a cheap crop, readily available in large tins for not very much money at all, and yet they are an excellent source of protein, and taste good too. There’s no shortage of variety, either: you can get everything from baked beans to kidney beans to butter beans, all lined up there in the same section for you. If you’re not sure of what to do with them, find some vegetarian recipes, which tend to be very bean-heavy, and give them a try. 

It can even be nice to mix together a few different kinds of beans and have a bean salad with a sauce – a simple side dish, but an easy way to add protein to your meal. Pasta with a dairy-based pasta sauce containing beans is an example of an ideally balanced meal, as long as you don’t overdo it with the pasta, as is rice with bean curry.

Of course, I’m not recommending that you stick to beans for your protein all the time, as you’re bound to get sick of them eventually. If you can replace meat or cheese with beans even occasionally, though, you’ll save a lot of money without affecting the balance of your meal.

5 ways nutritional supplements improve your health

From ancient times people have been taking natural herbs, often homegrown and brewed into teas and tonics. Now they have become more sophist...