Monday, February 19, 2018

Get Back On Your Feet with Exercises for Foot Drop | Saebo

Get Back On Your Feet with Exercises for Foot Drop | Saebo: Foot drop (sometimes called drop foot or dropped foot) is the inability to raise the front of the foot due to weakness or paralysis of the muscles and nerves that lift the foot. Foot drop itself is not a disease, it is a symptom of a greater problem or medical condition. You can recognize foot …

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Looking back to where I started my journey, I’m astonished at how far I’ve come.

At first, becoming a Coach was about getting a discount on a new strength-training program. As the years went by, I realized that this, live healthy and get fit “thing” actually had some merit. I started to see the differences in my overall health and realized that now is the healthiest I’ve been in like….ever. So, I wanted to share this phenomenal transformation with anyone who would listen.

When I started my own journey in weight loss, I was 50 pounds overweight in a medically induced menopause and a failing marriage. I was in pain most of the time and was seriously contemplating whether I would spend whatever time I had left in this state of despair. There came a day when I became sick and tired of being sick and tired and actually considered ending it all.

There came a day when I became sick and tired of being sick and tired and actually considered ending it all.

Then out of nowhere (as Divine intervention would have it), this bubbly little blonde woman dancing and kicking on my TV talking about kickboxing to house music will help you get to a healthy weight and have fun while working out. I was like Whaaaaaat? Got up off the coach started dancing to the music and said to myself, “Wait a minute, girlfriend said this is a workout”. So I stopped crunkin’ and sat down and started to pay attention to what this new “thing” was all about. But I also cried a little because my hip started to hurt and I realized that all the nightmares I heard about menopause was starting to come true. But I also thought maybe, just maybe this program would be the thing I needed to get the kinks out. Maybe this was my last chance to get the vibrant, fully functioning body that I had as a younger woman in my 20’s. So, I ordered the program that was offered... and everything that came with it. From there, I started on my journey to be fit and healthy and guess what? I am not stopping! Besides having my beautiful daughter, becoming a Coach and using this lucrative means to spread the word about health and wellness as a real, viable lifestyle, was the best decision I have ever made. NO REGRETS.

I started on my journey to be fit and healthy and guess what? I am not stopping!

Although Coaching has proven to be a lucrative business for many, by sharing workouts, nutrition and support, I intend to show that adding these things to your life will improve the quality of it. The company I work with has provided an excellent platform through which sooooooo many people can have the life they have always deserved-(1), to be healthy and fit, and (2), to be able to create a livelihood helping other people do the same thing.

My testimony is simple- I was once overweight, aging and suffering from all the ailments associated with both. But since I started making fitness a foundational part of my life, to this day people do not believe I am a 48 year old mother of a 23 year old who, by the way is my biggest supporter and cheerleader in my quest to do my part to create relationships, create change and rebuild lives. I am sharing my story because it has changed many lives but there is still work to do. I am committed to doing the work. I know now that helping people create happy more fulfilling lives for themselves, is what I was put here to do.

This is my story, but it’s nowhere near over! My lifestyle change is a lifelong journey and I’m looking for others to join me. If you want to start your health and fitness journey with me and learn how you can create a business helping others do the same and creating a life by your own design, leave your e-mail address in the comments.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Turn Up Tuesday-How fitness geeks celebrate

Don’t you love a good success story? How do people turn their life around by focusing on their health? The discovery is nothing short of amazing when you find out that focusing on fitness improves other areas in your life. Well here is Briana’s story. Briana lost 53 lbs. using full, comprehensive programs that she did at home!

“I used to overeat every day and binge on junk food after a long day at work. I also hardly ever exercised. I had gained weight steadily over the past few years because of these bad habits. I was ashamed with how I looked in the mirror and clothes never fit me the way I wanted. I had lost self-love for myself and all confidence with the way I looked.

I was inspired to change my life and begin my transformation journey because I’ve always said I will look my best at 25 years old. So when I hit 24 I knew I needed to do something to get my body back in shape and lose the weight I had gained over the past few years. People around me that ate healthy and looked fit inspired me. I wanted to look like them and feel good again. I knew that if I made the effort to eat healthy and exercise that I could do it in a year.

I was inspired to change my life and begin my transformation journey

My greatest challenge I faced was staying committed to any type of program. But because of the motivation, support, and accountability that I received from my Coach, and people within the accountability groups online, I was able to stay on track.

Over the last year, I did a few different at-home programs which all incorporated a mixture of weight lifting/strength training and cardio - to reach my goal. I really liked this because you get the advantages of both types of exercise.

I have lost 53 pounds and upwards of 45 inches off my body. I am now strong enough to do push-ups, many bodyweight moves, and my heart is strong enough to endure intense cardio. But I am most proud that I am healthier, stronger, and happier than I have ever been in my entire life.”

Has this story inspired you to change your life? There are many ways to get started on your own transformation journey and I can help you along the way. I know the thought of doing something new is scary but what do you have to lose by starting today except never living out your true potential? You have to ask yourself, are you okay with that?

5 ways nutritional supplements improve your health

From ancient times people have been taking natural herbs, often homegrown and brewed into teas and tonics. Now they have become more sophist...