Showing posts with label coaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coaching. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2023

10 Ways To Sneak Some Extra Fruits And Vegetables In Your Family’s Diet

We all know by now that we should be eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. But knowing and doing are two different things, aren’t they? Sometimes it is just not easy to get them all in there. We are constantly tempted to fill up on convenience and junk food. If your family is anything like mine, they’d much rather fill up on a bag of chips or a bowl of rice or pasta instead of trying an apple or a plate of steamed broccoli. So we’ll have to get creative. Here are a few ideas to “sneak” some extra vegetables and fruits in your family’s diet. 

1. Start the day with a breakfast smoothie. 

Breakfast smoothie

All you have to do is throw some fruits, low-fat yogurt and ice in a blender. You may also want to add a scoop of protein powder in there for good measure. Just blend for a few seconds and you have the perfect breakfast ready to go. I like to sip mine about an hour before a sweaty yoga session. To make it even more appealing for your kids, use some frozen yogurt in the smoothie. They won’t believe that they’re not having a milk shake for breakfast. 

2. Dried fruit makes an excellent snack any time of the day. 

Add some small cartons of raisins to your child’s lunch box, pack some yogurt-covered raisins in your husband’s briefcase and keep some trail mix sitting around for snacking. You can also add dried fruit to oatmeal and cereal in the morning. My family loves banana chips in their breakfast cereal. 

3. Add some fruits and vegetables to your family’s sandwiches. 

You can add some banana, sliced apples or strawberry slices to a peanut butter sandwich. Top a turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato, cucumber and anything else they will eat. You can even make a sub shop style vegetable sandwich by combining several different vegetables with some mayonnaise and cheese on bread. 

4. Have a salad bar at dinner. 

salad bar

Set out a variety of chopped vegetables, some cheese and croutons as well as several choices of salad dressing along with the lettuce and let everybody create their own perfect salad. 

5. Let them drink their fruits and vegetables. 

Keep an assortment of fruit and vegetable juices in the fridge and encourage everyone to drink them as a snack. Get creative. You could start “family cocktail hour” by pouring everybody a glass of his or her favorite juice over ice. Add some straws, cocktail umbrellas and sit together to talk about how everybody’s day went. 


6. Try this for dessert. 

Put a small scoop of ice cream or frozen yogurt in a bowl and top it with lots of fresh or frozen fruit. 

7. Offer fruits and vegetables as snacks. 

You can cut apples into slices and top them with peanut butter or cheese. Cube cheese and serve with grapes. Cut up some fresh veggies and serve them with ranch dip. And of course there’s ants on a log. Spread some cream cheese or peanut butter on the inside of a stick of celery and sprinkle raisins on it (wow, fruit and vegetable in one snack). 

8. Try some new fruits and vegetables. 

Pick something exotic to get your family’s curiosity. With a little luck their curiosity will outweigh their initial apprehension to trying something new. You could try artichokes, plantains, papaya, mango, star fruit, or anything else you can find in the produce department of your local store. 

9. Make a pot of vegetable soup or a stew that’s heavy on veggies and easy on the meat. 

veggie soup

Both of these make some great comfort food when the weather gets cold. 

10. Start “My Veggie Day”. 

Each family member gets to pick a vegetable one day of the week. They qualify to pick a vegetable as long as they tried each vegetable the week before, otherwise they lose a turn and Mom gets to pick. 

Incorporate a few of these ideas and you will have everyone in your family eating more fruits and vegetables in no time.

Bonus tip:

Now that everyone in the family has gotten a taste for it, make sure you always have plenty of fresh fruits and veggies available and ready to snack on.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

6 often overlooked steps toward a healthier weight

I recognize that weight is just one measure of overall health, but it is one that many of my clients are concerned with. If this describes you, then this article is for you.


Overweight and obesity are so common today that two-thirds of adults and one-third of children experience these in the United States right now. That’s hundreds of millions of people, so please don’t feel alone. Overweight and obesity can increase the risk of many health problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Achieving a healthy weight, eating nutritious foods, and being physically active can help improve your health and reduce your risks.


But as you know, there is so much more to the old adage: eat less, move more.


Weight loss is very challenging for many reasons:


      There is an abundance of food available around most of us 24/7

      Eating isn’t just something we do for sustenance; it’s gratification, a social activity, and sometimes even a reward

      Computers and cars, etc. have contributed to a much more sedentary lifestyle—we don’t all need to be physically active farmers to survive anymore

      Reducing calories voluntarily is really, really hard; it’s a huge challenge to change habits

      Many diets work in the short term, but fail later on because they’re simply unsustainable

      After losing weight, maintaining weight loss is extremely difficult (and this is particularly true for women after menopause or individuals recovering from a stroke or living with chronic disease)


Today, let’s go over some strategies to overcome the challenges of weight loss.

What is metabolism and how can I lose weight?

Your weight is based on several factors, some are controllable and others are not. For example, your genetics, family history, and hormones can impact your weight, but there’s not too much you can do to significantly change those. On the other hand, how much and what you eat, the medications you’re taking, the amount of stress you’re under, and how much sleep and physical activity you get also contribute to weight, and are a bit more controllable (albeit not completely controllable).


Here’s where metabolism fits with weight. There are so many things that your body does at rest: breathing, pumping blood, adjusting hormone levels, maintaining your body temperature, and growing and repairing cells. The amount of energy (calories) your body uses to perform these essential functions is called your “basal metabolic rate.” Overall, your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or metabolism, accounts for about two-thirds of the calories your body burns each and every day.


Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function,” according to the Mayo Clinic.


Your metabolism is influenced mostly by your body size and composition. This means that people who are bigger and/or have heavier bones and more muscle mass burn more calories at rest. Because men tend to be bigger and have more muscle, they naturally tend to have a higher metabolism than women. This also goes for younger people. Because bone and muscle mass naturally tend to decrease (and fat mass naturally tends to increase) with age, if you don’t take steps to maintain bone and muscle mass, your metabolism likely will decrease which results in increased weight.


Certain medical conditions can also affect your metabolism. For example, the hormonal conditions of Cushing’s syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can slow your metabolism down. These conditions often come with a range of other symptoms beyond just weight gain. If you suspect that you have an underlying medical condition, don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor or healthcare professional about tests to confirm these diagnoses.


A slow metabolism may be one factor that influences your weight, but it’s not the only one. How your body processes what you eat or drink and how active you are also play roles in your weight. The process of digesting food burns calories. About 10 percent of the calories in carbohydrates and protein are used to digest them. Plus, the amount of physical activity you do also accounts for some of the calories you burn every day.


While some people may gain or lose weight easier than others, in general, the balance of your “energy equation” counts for your weight. That is, the amount of energy (calories) you take in minus the amount of energy (calories) you burn can determine whether you gain or lose weight.

Weight loss/maintenance strategies

Before you start a weight-loss program, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider. Many weight-loss products or programs can be harmful depending on your current state of health and goals. Be particularly wary of products or programs that promise quick, long-lasting, or effortless weight loss.


Your behaviors and habits have a huge influence on your weight and you are empowered to adjust them as you see fit. It’s recommended that if you experience overweight or obesity and want to lose weight, try cutting 500 calories per day from what you eat. And, if you can add in some of these other strategies (including adding physical activity) you may be able to reach your weight-loss goals even faster.


Here are my top six strategies for weight loss/maintenance:


6 often overlooked steps toward a healthier weight

1 - Set specific, realistic, forgiving goals


      Instead of a goal to “lose weight,” try smaller and more specific goals that you can attain.

      Daily or weekly goals can be, for example, to cook a vegetable-rich meal on the weekend, decrease food cues (hiding cookies out of sight or disregarding food ads), or walk at least 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week.

      Try to stick with a new habit for at least a week or two to start making it routine. Then when one habit becomes consistent, add another one.

      Remember, it’s not uncommon to take 6 months to lose 5% of your body weight, so that may be a more realistic goal to aim for.


2 - Ditch the “diet” mentality and focus on making lasting improvements for sustainable health


      Focus on improving your food choices for overall health, rather than “dieting” for weight loss.

      Enjoy lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

      Replace saturated and trans fats with healthier choices such as olive oil, nut butters, avocadoes.


3 - Try eating a different way and see what works for you


      Ideally, each meal should take at least 20 minutes to eat, so eat slower. Enjoy your food more and listen for fullness cues that subtly signal when you’re getting satisfied and it’s time to stop eating.

      Eat more mindfully by focusing on and enjoying what you’re eating while you’re eating it. Pay attention to your food’s smell, taste, and texture as you’re eating it.

      Try putting your fork down or sipping water between bites and thoroughly chewing before swallowing.

      If you have a habit of snacking in front of the TV or computer screen, try getting used to replacing that with a glass of water or unsweetened beverage instead.


4 - You don’t have to do exercise to be more physically active (but you can)


      Boost your activity; move for at least 30 minutes per day (even three 10 minute sessions can help); more movement can bring greater benefits.

      Aerobic activity (e.g., walking, bicycling, etc.) is the most efficient way to burn calories.

      Weight training (e.g., using weights or pushing your body against gravity) builds your muscles which increases your metabolic rate; ideally you’d include at least two weight training sessions per week.

      Don’t forget you don’t have to do “exercise” to be physically active, you can take the stairs more often, park further away, walk a bit faster, or do housework or gardening—they all count toward your physical activity.

      Fidgeting counts, too. Your non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), like shaking a leg, tapping a foot, or even twirling a pen, also burns some calories.

      Remember that any physical activity is better for your health (and weight loss goals) than none.


5 - Reward your successes


      According to the National Institutes of Health, “frequent small rewards, earned for meeting smaller goals, are more effective than bigger rewards that require a long, difficult effort.”

      Each time you reach a goal, however small, reward your success with a non-food activity or item.

      For example, you may want to buy yourself that book, movie, music, or game that you’ve wanted for a while. Or re-read, re-watch, or re-listen to an old favorite.

      Perhaps you can put a small amount of money away to save up for a larger reward.

      Rewards don’t have to be monetary. You can take some time for yourself like have a bath, do your nails, or enjoy a craft or hobby you love (or try a new one).

      Maybe you’d prefer some time to watch comedy skits or funny animal videos online.


6 - Persevere


      Losing weight is very hard and most people have to keep trying before they find a way that works for them.

      Every day is a new day. If you go off track, get back on track and try again.

      Don’t give up. A study published in September 2020 found that trying to lose weight over and over again (also known as “weight cycling”) can significantly reduce your risk of dying. According to the National Institutes of Health, “repeatedly losing and regaining weight was better than giving up after one or two attempts or, worse still, never trying to lose weight at all.”


I have found that 2B Mindset is one of the simplest and effective ways of not only losing weight but also improving your relationship with food.


I also recommend 4 Week Gut Protocol, a program designed to help you discover and eliminate foods from your diet that causes you gastrointestinal discomfort or otherwise minimizes your healthy weight management efforts. It also helps you to add foods to your diet that supports your overall gut health.


Portion fix is another program that I highly recommend that focuses on portion control, the lack of which is a leading deterrent to weight control. This program uses portion control containers to determine how much of each macronutrient you should be eating each day according to your caloric needs.


Bottom line

While weight is but one measure of health, it is a big concern for many people. Losing weight is not easy. Your metabolism is influenced by many different factors—some you can’t control (e.g., your genes) and others you can (e.g., what and how you eat).


The fundamentals of weight loss include enjoying healthier, nutritious foods more often and being more physically active, but there are so many approaches that help you make this happen for you. The way you approach dieting and eating, the way you set your goals and reward yourself, and the way you persevere are all totally customizable so you can try and see what works for you.


For a nutritious approach to metabolism and your weight, consult a nutrition coach who can work with your concerns and dietary restrictions.


Is your metabolism causing issues?

Need help to lose weight or maintain weight loss?

Looking for ways to lose weight beyond “eat less, move more”?


I can help. Complete the Empowerment Zone Questionnaire to see if my comprehensive health and wellness program can help you.


Harvard Health. (2018, May). Burning calories without exercise.


Harvard Health. (2018, July). Small tricks to help you shed pounds and keep them off. Retrieved from


Harvard Health. (2019, March 19). The lowdown on thyroid slowdown. Retrieved from


Harvard Health. (2019, November 20). Building simple habits for healthy weight loss. Retrieved from


Mayo Clinic Healthy Lifestyle. (2019, February 21). Is a slow metabolism the reason I'm overweight? Retrieved from


Mayo Clinic Healthy Lifestyle. (2019, February 21). Can I boost my metabolism to lose weight? Retrieved from


Mayo Clinic Healthy Lifestyle. (2020, November 10). Metabolism and weight loss: How you burn calories. Retrieved from


NIH Intramural Research Program. (2020, Dec 8). Attempting Weight Loss Linked to Reduced Risk of Death. Retrieved from


NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Healthy. (2017, September). Weight Control. Retrieved from


NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Aim for a healthy weight. Retrieved from


NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Guide to Behavior Change. Retrieved from



Monday, February 28, 2022

Take the time to say thanks!

When you have a mentor and a good friend or family member that is truly a 'ride or die', you gotta thank them from time to time. You really can't be great in this world without some loyal people behind you. So I'll go first… Shout out to my mentor who showed me that I could level up whenever I was ready. She never made me feel alone even when she reminded me that this is mine to build whenever I was ready. When I was ready to test the boundaries of what I was capable of, she’d be right there to support me. Since I began this journey, she has given me resources, got on calls, when I was confused she gave me clarity and most of all she was just THERE❣️ She never let me feel alone. 🤗 She always plugged me into the community of other women trying to do the same thing that I’m doing. I am now on pace to achieve my goals this year to help as many people as possible GET THEIR LIFE and prosper while doing it. So thankful to God 🙏🏽that he placed you in my path when I was looking for more. I’m so glad I said yes. 🙋🏽‍♀️ Are you a diamond in the rough? We should chat!

Monday, January 31, 2022

🤗 The Accountability Mirror🤗

I remember reading this for the first time and being like “Dang David! You didn’t have to come at me like dat!”


He is 1000% right!

If you tryna do something big, i. e. accomplish great things and/or create an impact, and you’re not getting results or making the milestones toward your goal, then it’s time to take a looooooong look in the mirror and deal with some stuff. 

Connect with some people that will hold you accountable and give you courage to do big things. 

Simply put…

Clear the cobwebs out yo mind and spirit that keeping you from gettin the bag 💰 

If you're really trying to reach some crazy, scary, I can't believe I'm even thinking about this, kinda goals, I encourage you to get Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins

Thursday, September 3, 2020

When you have checked all the boxes...

You got good grades in school. You were a good girl and didn’t make any trouble.You did your best to be the perfect girlfriend. You had a moment of rebellion just to try to fit in. You met the man of your dreams and vowed to be everything he ever needed. You became a mother and swore to be the best mother God gave you the strength and power to be. You went college and earned an advanced degree. You went out to work in a world that demanded more than your best time and time again and you always and consistently delivered. You didn’t need anybody’s help. You got this!

For all your hard work 😓 you:

Still got rejected by your parents.

Still wasn’t what he wanted.

Still was the last to be invited to the party.

Still got bamboozled by the husband.

Still fell short as a parent.

Still got taken advantage of in exchange for your good will at work.

Still wasn’t smart enough.

Still wasn’t good enough.

For all your effort, you realize you ain’t got this!

Don’t you deserve better? 

Don’t you deserve to live a life full of wellbeing and purpose?

Don’t you deserve to know love and peace in a way that surpasses all understanding?

Don’t you deserve to have more, do more, be more?

Don’t you deserve to enjoy good health, be financially fit and renew your mind to the highest esteem?

You can! Starting today! In order to have more you have to be more so you can do more. You have that power. It all starts with a desire and a decision to create change that creates focus and determination to go where you want to go and be who you want to be.

I know it’s a big decision. Bigger than the decision to get married, have kids, go back to school or even accept an offer for a job. Keep in mind, all those decisions were made in fear.  Fear of your biological clock. Fear of being rejected. Fear of failure. Fear he wouldn’t love me. Fear she wouldn’t respect me. Fear of being alone. Fear of (fill in the blank) How about we change the narrative? How about we start stepping out on FAITH!?!

Why not change the thoughts in our mind to know and accept that anything is possible with God?  How about we write some crazy, awesome dreams down on paper and take them to God in prayer? How about having some hope for something more than just checking the boxes of what the world expects of you?

What if you did that and changed your life in such an amazing way that you won’t even recognize the life you left behind? If fear was no object and faith took its place, what could your life look like in 5 years?

Monday, August 24, 2020


 Have you ever needed to have a gut wrenching, crying out to God SOB? 

Today was one of those days for me.  I had just fallen AGAIN and I got up quick enough to get the rest of the groceries back in the house and then....I let it all hang out. I didn’t even know I needed to get that soul breaking cry out but before I knew it, it was happening! It was one of those cries where you can't even make the sounds you just...your soul is crying out to your Creator. Crying out for your body to function like it should.  Crying out so you can do and execute like you know you should but you can't make your mind and skill work for you.  You’re stuck! Crying out for the faith to overcome the fear that builds inside you daily and rears its ugly head when your heart wants to execute like your life depends on it. Crying, sobbing, begging for God to take over because YOU CAN’T anymore...not without HIM.


Sometimes in our lives the shift that you desperately want to happen doesn’t because your pride or toxic positivity (yeah, I said that!) doesn’t allow you the cleansing cry you need to achieve clarity. Be real when you get on your knees. He knows your heart anyway. That will make you bawl, for real!

Let’s be very clear. Your pride will have you thinking that crying is punking out and a distraction from what you need to be doing. But if you’re stuck and not making any progress toward your goals, it is likely that your fear is taking over and you don’t truly believe that what you have to offer the world really makes a difference. Toxic positivity is telling you that the little you are doing is baby steps in the right direction and you might be listening to other people telling you the same thing.  But you and I both know its not nearly enough to make significant progress on your goals. When this happens, you might need a cleansing that I like to call a soul cry.

My soul cry today gave me clarity and frankly, the willingness to surrender my goals and dreams to God. I know He is going to let me know exactly where I am coming up short and where I need to lean in.  I know that I have to choose faith, put my trust in Him and trust the process.  

I have a renewed passion now. I know that I have to do the work to do the work. What does that mean? I have to create a plan and reverse engineer how to get there. This is something that needs to be done every day. With the help of my Creator, I know that I have the strength, courage and discipline to get the job done.

What area of your life do you need to have a soul cry about?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Self doubt to self audit


I used to be so overwhelmed with self-doubt that often I wondered if I could do anything right. Whether it was struggling with my weight, my relationships, at work or business, I never felt good enough and so I often struggled with meeting my goals. 


I became so frustrated I said to myself, “something’s gotta give”. I started to pray. I started looking for ways that I could overcome these problem areas in my life. I started researching these different areas and see if there was any insight into how I could turn these things around. 


Eventually what I found was that I needed to conduct a self audit.  It looked a little something like this:


🤔Was I doing the work necessary to get results in these different areas of my life where I was having the most difficulty? 


🤔Was I following a meal plan and exercising to reach my health goals?  


🤔Was I trying to find common ground with people I work with so that we can have a more collaborative relationship rather than a combative relationship?  


🤔Was I talking about and promoting my ideas for new business ventures in a way that made people want to invest in new products or services? 


When I realized that I was coming up short, it was time to start soul searching. It was time to start crafting a plan for every area of my life where I wanted to see significant improvement. It was time to start crafting a plan for success.  

I began to take control of my life. I began putting things in action. Then I started to get the results I wanted. I recognized that I had the power to manifest my dreams into reality. I took ownership and things started to turn around. 

This process is simple but never easy. It is a renewed commitment you have to make every day to move the needle forward in your life. If I could do it I know that you can. You have that power. Never surrender it to someone or something else. 🤗

Monday, July 6, 2020

God wants what you have left

Even when you think you have lost everything, God will use what you have left to create miracles in your life 

What this says to me is:

🙌🏾You have to start where you are to get where you want to go. 
🙌🏾You gotta start messy and continue until get a flow going. 
🙌🏾You gotta keep going until you start setting the example. 
🙌🏾You gotta set the example until others want to follow. 
🙌🏾You gotta have others follow so you can start building community. 
🙌🏾You gotta build community so people start talking about that joy they found in that thing they are doing
🙌🏾You gotta have people talking so much that they build their own community around this here good thing
🙌🏾And you keep going until He pours down a blessing in the form of LEGACY until you hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Just think...This all starts from what you have left...

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Is multi-level marketing a real business?

This is such a taboo subject to write about and discuss but I think that is because there is also a lot of confusion around Network Marketing and how it is mistaken for what is known as Pyramid Schemes. In my humble opinion, I believe a lot of people want nothing to do with it because there are a lot of misconceptions of what network marketing actually is and what it is not. I would like to take a moment to dispel some myths about this business model and if nothing else, provide a better understanding of why it is a valuable source for a side income. 

Have you ever felt like there's never enough like no matter how much money you make? Even when you take that promotion, get that raise in pay doesn't it always seems like the harder you work and  the more you try to climb up the ladder, there's always a thing associated with that come up that is just draining you financially and you can’t seem to get ahead? I think that’s what happens to most of us. Let's just be all the way real... that's most of us. On the other hand, there's a lot of us work two and three jobs just to keep food on the table. We could all use a part-time job.  I've been there, done that and I got the t-shirt, coffee mug, writing pad and pen to match, ok? But is network marketing really a better way?

Let me just be all the way real, ok?  There's a lot of stigma attached to this network marketing thing. But I think you gotta go into any new situation with your eyes wide open. You also gotta go into it with a certain amount of optimism and belief in yourself and what it is you are capable of doing given the opportunity. So, let me just dispel some of the myths and confusion because honestly a lot of the misunderstanding of network marketing and pyramid schemes is not based in fact or supports the legal definition of either. So what’s the difference between a network marketing company and a pyramid scheme?

Pyramid schemes are, first and foremost, ILLEGAL. So, the long and short of it is, if you ain't got no (yeah, bad grammar, my bad) product to sell but you’re selling people a promise on being able to make money, you’re probably in a pyramid scheme. If you can't make no money unless you have a bunch of people investing and you rely on those investments to make money, you’re probably involved in a pyramid scheme. If only the people who are at the top or the first to invest are making the most money in the business, you are probably involved in a pyramid scheme.

The defining factor about pyramid schemes is that there is no product or service involved and your return on investment relies entirely on people who sign up after you to invest and you get a piece of the sign up fee. Therefore, there is a ceiling on the amount of money you can make. In other words, people are giving money to something but there's no exchange of products or services.   So, if you’re #500 of five hundred people that invested in a “business” where no product or service exists, you're never gonna make as much money as the first person.  That’s the makings of a pyramid scheme my friends. Here's where those pyramid schemes comes up short …if for any reason the person who's doing all  the recruiting can't bring nobody else and those “early investors”, top people don't get paid, people get mad. They should because the entire enterprise is biased toward the first to enter scheme. That is why it is illegal.

This could be confusing to some people when you think about how traditional business is operated every day.   If you think about early investors in like Amazon, you recognize that when the stock sold at $5 a share (just an example probably not the actual price) early investors are now wealthy and someone who bought stock today at about $2,000 a share (approximate value as of the date of this writing)  is not going to make as much money unless Amazon comes up with something so extraordinary that it shoots the stock price sky high. 

I can't tell you how many times how much wanted to kick myself for not putting my $5 when they had their initial public offering. I had already been spending money on textbooks and trading textbooks on Amazon for years during my college years. I was doing a lot of business with Amazon and I wish I invested because I knew what that what they were offering in 2002 was an example of innovation in the online space.  However, you have to keep something in mind…if a company is particularly successful over a period of time, their stock prices will rise. All kinds of things influence the price of stock.  So as long as Amazon remains profitable, those first investors will continue to reap the most profit.

Here’s the thing…Amazon has a product to sell to the end user.  Therefore, investors will receive a dividend from their investment as a result of sales revenue and innovation.  So, this should clarify the legitimacy of companies like Amazon and frankly, network marketing companies.

So, for people who think that network marketing are pyramid schemes on the basis that only the people that get in first make the most money, I have to say, you’re argument is weak at best. We have a legitimate system that people invest in every day called the stock market and a concept called first to market. First to market is when a company is first to bring product to the market that meets the need of the consumer.  When a company is successful at that, they will get the benefits of the first fruits as they should.  Once other companies get wind of what is going on, and create their own version of the original product, the profits becomes more evenly distributed based on the successful execution of the other companies that enter the market afterward.  In fact, companies that come afterward, if they are really good at what they do, they may even over run the company that was first to market. It's capitalism at its best.  In this principle alone, I argue that network marketing companies become more credible.

Now I can’t say that all network companies are created equal.  In my partnership agreement, NO ONE, no matter when you became a distributor, holds the market on how much money can be made or whether the first to arrive will continue to make the most money in comparison to those who join the company after they did. First fruits may belong to the first to get into the business but if they are not working hard to corner the market on profits they are not guaranteed to make the most money in the long term.  

In my company, there are some people who came in at the beginning are either not there anymore or they are not engaged in the business and therefore, are not making any money or not nearly as much as people who came in 5 years ago who are committed to becoming a millionaire and succeeds. I know that there are probably other companies out there but I can't really speak to those because I am not involved with those companies. What I do know from my own experience is that as a new distributor, you can make money in retail (selling products to customers) and building team (people on your team also sell to customers and build teams of their own). Network marketing (aka multi-level marketing) is defined on the FTC website as follows:
Multi-level marketing is one form of direct selling. Generally, a multi-level marketer (MLM) distributes products or services through a network of salespeople who are not employees of the company and do not receive a salary or wage. Instead, members of the company’s salesforce usually are treated as independent contractors, who may earn income depending on their own revenues and expenses. Typically, the company does not directly recruit its salesforce, but relies upon its existing salespeople to recruit additional salespeople, which creates multiple levels of “distributors” or “participants” organized in “downlines.” A participant’s “downline” is the network of his or her recruits, and recruits of those recruits, and so on. (

 Like most businesses, network marketing is a business model where there is a product or service in exchange for an investment from the distributor or sales person.  If you decide to become a distributor, you are going to pay a nominal sign-up fee and possibly buy some products at sign up.  However, the purchase of products is not a requirement to become a distributor with my company. Other companies may have different rules. Having said that, it only makes common sense that if you sign up to distribute a product for a company that you are actually a consumer of the product. 

This is where a lot of the confusion lies with some apparent similarities between network marketing and pyramid schemes. Incoming team members in network marketing are placed under the recruiter in a binary structure, such as it is in my company. For skeptics, the pyramid shape of a binary structure is seemingly not differentiated from the investment for no product or service exchange that is characteristic in illegal pyramid schemes. However, the appearance of a binary structure is where the similarities to a scheme begins and ends.

Now, I want to be very clear… there is a some language in the FTC explanation that says if the bulk of your income is gonna come from building the team that doesn't consume the products then there is a question of whether the company is a network marketing company or the makings of a pyramid scheme. I can tell you from personal experience that building a team doesn't mean anything if the people that you're building the team with aren't buying products.  Why? Because we are not paid a percentage of fees. Also, by design, the team bonus is significantly smaller than that which a distributor can earn in commission by selling directly to the customer.  On the other hand, you can’t get into the pyramid or Ponzi scheme without a minimum investment when there is no product in exchange.  

In my company, you don’t have to buy product to become a team member.  It’s a little less effective from a business perspective but I think what the FTC is concerned with is a company making this a hard and fast rule. I can tell you I have had team members that have never bought anything except for the first time they signed up. There is no team bonus, no commissions or any financial reward when people don’t buy products. No business makes money without repeat business or new customers. No surprise there, right?

There are people in my downline right now that are just sitting there paying a monthly fee just to be a distributor but they're not really taking advantage of the of the wide array of products that'll help them to live a happier, healthier life. They're not doing it so the company does not pay me.  As a business, they are not making any money either.  The monthly fee that they pay goes to the parent company not to me.

I think the key here and where you actually build a business in network marketing is when you have people who are actually buying and using the products that they need and I think that that is the key for skeptics to understand. Like I said, I don't know how other companies do what they do and what the compensation structure looks like elsewhere but what I know about where I'm at.  At the end of the day, you won’t make any money if nobody's buying product. Period. 

When I compare network marketing to traditional business, I find that McDonald's don't make no money if nobody is in the drive thru or the dining room. Staples doesn't make any money if businesses aren’t buying office products. If the company doesn't have a customer and team members are not buying product no one is making money in my network marketing business.

Why should I listen to you?

Having said all of this, you must be asking yourself, “Why should I listen to her?” I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Legal Studies with a concentration in Business Law and Public Policy and a Masters in Business Administration.  One of the fundamental things about the program and my formal training is that you need to know how to do legal research and analysis and critically assess information so that you can come up with a recommendation for your client. Not only have I been formally trained but I've also done compliance work for big companies and universities where I have built compliance programs around doing effective legal research and analysis.

Tips for finding a company to partner with

I have a deep appreciation for doing the research making intelligent decisions on your own based on the facts found in that research.  To be clear, I'm not even advocating that network marketing or any other business model is for everybody because I really don't think everybody should be doing it. However, I do believe that it is for some people who want to create a side income doing something that they actually really, really love and they know can serve people in a profound way AND are willing to work really hard to accomplish that goal. 

So, I think you can find your fit out there among the many opportunities available in a way where you don't have to put up a huge investment.  I think that network marketing is a very economical way to start a business.  

Find leaders who are willing to share their secrets

If you pick the right one, the company will have really good leaders that will share their secrets and teach you some business fundamentals to help you succeed. A company worth its salt is gonna have extensive training in how to build a business and will teach basic business principles with really good leaders in your company that's willing to share what they've learned and implemented to build their business.  

 Do your own research

At the end of the day, do your research and make an educated decision for yourself. Don’t depend on word of mouth and definitely don’t listen to anyone saying that being in business for yourself is easy.  
Follow some people who you know are in network marketing or doing what you like to do you know and see what a day in the life looks like for them.  

Make sure the company and its products align with what you already like

One of the first things I do when I'm exploring a new industry, I evaluate whether it is aligned with the things that I like. So if it's book club, makeup, hair, or fashion accessories, then I'm gonna be looking for somebody who's doing that and doing that well or at least appears to be doing that well. Then, I see if they have a social media outlet (other than the one I found them on) dedicated to talking about the things I like and other topics such as how to start a business or how to create a product or any kind of teaching content. It’s clear they’re really adding value to their community and they're really showing you how to do things.  They're giving you business tips and they share things you need to know and how you need to be thinking about business.

Let me be even more clear.  This article is intended for intelligent, grown folk who are inspired or need to start something on their own and is interested in a low cost of entry in an industry that can turn into a significant income.  This is not intended to try to convince anyone who does not have an entrepreneurial spirit and is not open to learning about better ways to create extra streams of income. Basically, I'm talking to grown folk who are responsible, got homes of their own, got families of their own and they want to make responsible choices in line with those priorities.  I'm talking to those people who are of that age where we can make intelligent decisions about our lives and about the risks were willing to take for the greater good and who want to level up their lives. At the end of the day, don't automatically dismiss network marketing as some kind of scheme or you think the products are overpriced. 

I haven’t addressed this in this article until now, however, I will say this. I think that the differential in the price of the products in network marketing companies and retail markets, is 1) the quality of ingredients, and 2) the time and method it takes to sell the product.  Again, this is my humble opinion based on the company I am with and the “belly to belly” method with which we share and sell products. Personally, I think that mass market products don’t come with 30 day money back guarantees even if you consume all of the product.  They also include a lot of artificial ingredients and fillers in order to sell more, in the least amount of time to the most people.  If they sell it for an inexpensive enough price, most people will at least try it.  However, it is unlikely that you will be able to get your money back if you so much as crack the seal on that product. 

When I tried my first program, I invested because of the money back guarantee.  Frankly, it did what it said it was gonna do if I did what the program directed so I didn’t return it.  I believed in the system so much that I decided to become an advocate.  Then I talked about it when people asked about it because I then became I walking billboard not by harassing friends and family.  I started my business on being an example of what works and I have found that people will invest in what has been proven to work.

It would be worth the investment to find that company that you connect with who has something that you want and that you would enjoy using and consuming. That, in and of itself, for me as a consumer is worthwhile. I think it’s really worthwhile to invest in when you know you can get your money back. So, if the investment to get started as a distributor is $500 and you get a guarantee from them that if it didn't work for you, you can't sell this thing and you can send it back to the company and they’ll give you $500 back, you should go you should definitely invest in that product or service-based company. With my company, you can invest as little as $160, use the products for a month and then go about your business. If you don't like it, return it, cancel your membership and go about your way.  At least you gave yourself and the products and the business a chance and you don’t have the regret of saying ‘what if’.

Bottom Line

A couple of things I want you to take away from this article. First, know the difference between network marketing and a pyramid scheme. Network marketing is legal. Pyramid scheme is not legal. Only people at the top (early investors) make money in a pyramid scheme while this is not necessarily true in network marketing (at least in my company). In my company, some people who came in at the beginning, may not necessarily be making as much as someone who came in 5 years ago. My company has been around for over 20 years the network has been around for 15 years. Someone who came in 12 years ago may very well be making no money at all if they are not treating their business like a business.  Meanwhile, someone coming in a year ago could be killing it and become a multimillionaire.  Your level of income in my business is truly going to depend on what level of time and grind you are willing to invest in it not when you started your business.
Second, pyramid schemes don't have products and services to exchange. Network marketing does. I believe in any business you have to have something to offer people in order to justify the money changing hands between the business and the consumer.  You have to be selling something to be in a legitimate business. There has got to be an exchange of goods and services. As with any legitimate business there is going to be some skin put in the game in order for that business to be profitable at some point. The harder you work in business building activities, the more your reward. Anything worth having is going to require a good amount of hard work. So do your research, be accountable to what it is you're investing in, be smart, use your God-given intelligence to make a good decision for you and your family and don't just listen to what everybody else got to say about what it is you want to do in your business. Make intelligent decisions by doing your own research.

Feel free to get a comprehensive overview of network marketing (multi-level marketing) on the FTC's website. They do a good job of laying out a layman's version of what it is you need to be looking at when deciding to join a company as an independent contractor. Do your research and figure it out for yourself. You don't wanna get yourself involved in mess that is not above board.

So, if you're struggling financially and you need something beyond your full-time job to help ends meet, you need a side hustle and retail ain’t doin’ it for ya, this might be a cost-effective way to get started doing something on your own. It could be something that can be turned into something big, like a legacy for your children. Networking marketing could be something where you should shoot your shot.
Understand that every business, network marketing or traditional business is going to take hard work, determination and time to build into something that can replace your 9 - 5 income. I'm just saying if you think, “I was meant to do something more with my life, damn sure more than the hell I'm doing right now”, then investigate and find something that suits you.  Find something that you love and go for it!

I hope this was helpful and it cleared some of the mystery and misconception about network marketing. If it was helpful, great! Share this article with your community.  Comment below and let me know what you think.  Be constructive, not mean (cuz that doesn’t serve anybody) then we can still be friends.  Subscribe to the blog. There is always more to come.

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