Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ready to Refresh your Body?

Would you like to prepare your body for a new fitness regimen but don’t know where to start?  Are you trying to clean up your nutrition with a new, healthy eating strategy?  Try the 3 Day Refresh to jump-start your healthy nutrition and fitness plan. 

The 3-Day Refresh is 3-day program of specially formulated shakes, healthy snacks, and delicious, easy-to-prepare meals that have been scientifically designed to help you lose weight and break the cycle of bad eating while dramatically improving the way you feel. Unlike juice fasts or liquid cleanses that are high in sugar and low in protein (which can leave you feeling weak and sluggish), the 3-Day Refresh is scientifically designed to help support your metabolism while nourishing your vital organs. Plus, you actually get to eat delicious, real food during this program.

You don’t have to do the 3 day Refresh alone.  I’ll do it with you!  What do you have to lose but a few unwanted pounds?  Comment below if you wanna start this 3 day program with me.
3 Day Refresh

Monday, October 27, 2014

A New Workout....The Perfect Christmas Gift

Shaun T has lost his mind.....AGAIN!!! Coming in December, his new, crazy workout, Insanity Max:30 is designed for you to compete against yourself. Only your own will power will get through this workout. For those of you gearing up for a new challenge, follow this link to get on the mailing list so you will be the first to know when this killer workout launches right around the holidays. What a way to get a head start on that New Years' resolution!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

On Ramp To Fitness!

I am putting together an "On Ramp to Fitness" group, starting November 15th, which will be dedicated to those who are just starting out with fitness or who have not exercised in a while but would like to get back into a regular routine.  If you're looking for a beginner fitness program that really works, the new P90 workout is amazing. Simple routines and really strong results. Especially for weight loss. If you're interested, comment below for details. But hurry, spots are filling up fast!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Getting started in Weight loss...and staying healthy

I had a hard time losing weight after giving birth over 20 years ago. I actually started exercising soon after but then became distracted and didn't keep up with a schedule.  Of course, you know the story; the years go by, the pounds pile on and before I knew it I was a whopping 183lbs.  Being 115 soaking wet most of my life, this was the heaviest I have ever been.  It was at this point that I knew something had to change.  Sure enough I was watching TV one Sunday morning and there it was.  My new exercise program, Turbo Jam.  Everyone looked like they were having so much fun... doing exercise!  I knew I had to get this program.  Frankly, I said to myself, "This is my last hope".  Sure enough, I got online ordered the program and everything that went with it.  I am not exaggerating when I say the moment I did my first work out I have been hooked.  If there is anything that I would like to be addicted to it is a good, strong, and all around good for you workout.   So far I have lost 33 lbs had been doing this for a while now.    I am happy with  the healthy and steady  weight loss, unlike diet pills that allow you many pounds shed in short term weight loss then you pile the pounds back on again.  

But I'm not gonna lie and tell you I haven't had some set backs.  Sometimes while life is happening and things aren't going so well, you lose motivation. For a while I got distracted and didn't work out as much.  When I realized that my health is my business and nothing in this life good bad or in between is worth compromising my well being I learned to just keep going.  This is the difference between a healthy lifestyle and a diet.  A healthy lifestyle is both a mental and physical commitment. Whenever I fall off my work out schedule or succumb to bad eating, I realize that I must get back into the swing of all things healthy both psychologically and physically. No more excuses.  I am going to commit to and enjoy myself doing Turbo Jam,  ChaLean Extreme, Turbo Fire and PiYo.  Chalene Johnson started me on this path to optimal health and I know her  programs have taken me and continue to take me where I need to go.  By creating these programs, Chalene has put the passion into fitness.  I honestly swear by all these programs and would recommend it to anyone trying to get in shape.

One thing I have learned in almost 7 years of good nutrition and exercising regularly is that fitness is a lifestyle and consistency is key.  It hasn't always been easy but it has been worth it.  Once I adopted good habits of eating right and exercising, even when I slip up, I recognize the change in my body and I have to get back to my healthy routine.  The moral of my story?  Even if starting is difficult, creating healthy habits will be worthwhile and will contribute significantly to a long and happy life. Cheers <3

5 ways nutritional supplements improve your health

From ancient times people have been taking natural herbs, often homegrown and brewed into teas and tonics. Now they have become more sophist...