Monday, August 10, 2015

The perfect attire for a high intensity workout (for the girls)

Are you a woman and thinking about doing a high impact, high intensity workout and wondering what sports wear you should be wearing? Well if you're a woman who is beautifully blessed with D or DD cups then the only sports bra you should have in your arsenal of workout attire should be VSX sports bras by Victoria Secret.

Now before you go thinking that I am compensated in some way by Vicki's to share this with you, I am not. I just know good stuff when I see it and this is good stuff. When I learn something new I like to share it with you. I have 5 of these bras and they work wonders to keep the "girls" in place while I am doing high impact cardio. Frankly, I have been working out for years and to date, there is no better bra on the market for high impact, cardio workouts.

I don't know about you but if I am doing jumping jacks or body runs and the girls are bouncing all over the place I can't concentrate on my workout and I immediately switch from high impact, high intensity to modifying. I am soooo not cool with that. Like you, my time is precious so I like to get the most out of that hour or so that I give myself and burn as much calories as possible. So if I can't give it all I got because of all this bouncy bouncy, then I feel like I didn't get the most out of my workout and that's not cool.

My advice: get VSX bras by Victoria Secret. They are about $55 when they are not on sale. They have a less expensive version but that's not gonna do you any good when you're trying to do mountain climbers. Ask your sales associate for assistance to make sure you get the right one. This is an investment but it so well worth it.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Can you become a coach while you are on your own fitness journey?

Yes you can! Becoming a Team Beachbody Coach is probably one of the easiest decisions you can make while you are on your own road to a fit life. Why? Because the Team Beachbody community is one where everyone provides support and motivation to everyone else by sharing what they know based on their own experiences. So even if you haven’t reached your goals, you are still capable of helping others reach theirs and here’s why…. has a host of information related to fitness, nutrition and all things health to help you find answers for others as well yourself. In fact, when you are a member of the online community, you will have access to a gazillion tools to keep you on track with your fitness goals. So, what you learn and apply to your own fitness routine, you can share with others. This is how you get to help other people lose weight, get healthy, be healthy and stay healthy. You don’t have to know everything there is to know about fitness in order to be a good coach. You just have to have the desire to help people and offer that assistance from a place of compassion. Sometimes you are actually more relatable to the people you are trying to help because you are not ripped (yet). You can be more empathetic to their challenges when those challenges are similar to your own.

One of the biggest advantages to being a coach is that you get a 25% discount on the best fitness programs in the business. You also get the same discount on Shakeology, the healthiest meal of the day. This vitamin, mineral and nutrient packed meal replacement shake, gives you everything the body needs to operate at optimal performance while giving you the energy to power through the most challenging workouts. Normally about $5 a serving which is still a phenomenal value, coaches get Shakeology for about $4 a serving. This discount is available to coaches for all products that Team Beachbody offers. But wait it gets better…..

You can also earn a part time or even a full-time living being a Team Beachbody Coach. Pretty cool, huh? Coaches earn commission on any Beachbody products that they share with others. If someone you know is interested in a Beachbody program or nutritionals and they buy it from you, you get a 25% commission off of their purchases. Is that fabulous or what? Make a little money while you are dropping a few pounds. It really doesn’t get better than this!

Still think you need be an fitness expert to be a Team Beachbody Coach? Do you have more questions? Feel free to click the “Join my Team” tab to get more information or leave me a message at so we can schedule a time to talk about you becoming a Coach on a fierce and fabulous team.

New Coach Announcement!

Rank advancements are cool but announcing phenomenal people that you get to be friends with and related to is even...

Posted by Michelle Weise on Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Monday night's dinner-Good and good for me!

Dinner-brown rice, mixed veggies and baked cod. Yummy!

Posted by Michelle Weise on Monday, June 15, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Happy Friday beautiful people!

Today I want to talk about flexibility-a critical component to overall fitness.

Flexibility, or stretching, is often an overlooked but important component of your overall fitness. Here are some stretches that we all should do after working out while the body is still warm. Standing, bring each foot back as far as you can to meet the butt, actively switching from one foot to the other. Do this 5 times on each leg. Then give each leg a long stretch, holding for about 10 seconds each.

Sit down on the floor with legs closed and stretched out in front of you. With a flat back, reach your arms out towards the feet, focusing on the stretch in the hamstrings. Hold for 20 seconds.

Bend elbows above and behind your head, hands to opposite shoulder, actively stretching the tricep (back of the arm) Hold for 20 seconds.

Hold both arms directly out from sides rotate in circular motion forward 20 seconds.Hold both arms directly out from sides rotate in circular motion backward for 20 seconds.

Lay down belly to floor, lifting upper body off floor with hands (yoga name=upward dog) stretching out your core.Hold body up from floor in this pose for about 10 seconds.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Modifying with Insanity Max:30

I am currently in the middle of doing Insanity Max:30 and I am living proof that you can get results using a combination of high impact/high intensity and modification to get a very effective workout.

Just because you modify, doesn't mean that you are going to see less results. You will still be Maxing Out, working hard and getting in the best shape of your life! Check out what Shaun T has to say about utilizing modification in your workouts in the following video:

Monday, May 11, 2015

Chicken Stir Fry Over Brown and Wild Rice

Good morning beautiful people!

I made a great chicken stir fry last week and served it over brown and wild rice.

Here is the recipe:

3 skinless and boneless chicken breasts

1 red pepper

1 Yellow pepper

1 orange pepper

3 cups of spinach

1 cup sliced portabella mushrooms

1 cup zucchini squash

1 cup yellow squash

1 Tablespoon minced garlic

1 large yellow onion

2-3 tablespoons of canola oil

2 pouches Uncle Bens Ready Rice Brown and Wild

(I use the Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice. It takes about 90 seconds in the microwave and super convenient when you are preparing this meal during the week)

Stir Fry

Chop chicken breasts into bite size pieces. Season chicken with seasoned salt (this has tons of flavor; you only need a little) or some other combination of seasonings you like. Place aside. Then slice peppers, onions and mushrooms (sometimes you can get your mushrooms sliced at the market). Place canola oil in a pre-heated wok (or fry pan large enough to hold all these veggies). Add seasoned chicken and allow to cook about half way through. Remove from the pan and set aside. (At this point, you may have to add a little extra oil) Add onions and sauté them until translucent then add all veggies except spinach and mushrooms. Allow veggies to soften while mixing the onion in with the newly added veggies. Once the peppers and squash have softened, add garlic, pre-cooked chicken, spinach and mushrooms and reduce heat to low for about 10 minutes to allow chicken to finish cooking, spinach to wilt and mushrooms to warm through. Give the mixture a stir at about 5 minutes. Serve over brown and wild rice.

Takes about 30-45 minutes to prepare

Makes about 4 servings

Short cut-

You can buy veggies pre-chopped. It may cost a little more, but it may be worth it for the convenience, in case you are preparing this meal during the week. It keeps the prep and cooking time down to around 30 minutes.

For more recipes like this one, subscribe by clicking the "Sign up for My Daily Recipe hereon my blog to receive a new recipe e-mail every day!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Announcing the Vitamin C Power Booster Smoothie!

So you guys know I love to cook. I also love to invent recipes. Well yesterday, for lunch, I was in the mood for a smoothie. So of course, I invented a recipe. I call it the Vitamin C Power Booster Smoothie.

Here is the recipe:

1 Ripe Mango 3 Large Strawberries 1 Banana 4 chucks of fresh pineapple 8 0z of V8 Healthy Greens Juice

Mix all ingredients in your blender or NutriBullet and enjoy!

This turned out faaaaabulous! I just had to share.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Good morning beautiful people! Do you need a structured workout that you can do at home? Well do these for a quick 5 minute workout! We all have 5 minutes, don't we? Or, to challenge yourself, repeat up to 6 times for an intense and effective 30 minute workout! For those of you just starting out, start with just a 5 minute workout using these exercises below and then gradually work your way up to 10, 15, 20, 25 and then ultimately 30 minute workouts. These moves are intense so you want to work toward a natural progression of increased endurance.

1 min jumping jacks

1 min squats

1 min burpees

1 min (to each side) lunges

1 min wall sit

I hope this was helpful. Make today a faaaaaabulous day!

Monday, May 4, 2015

So many are looking for a fountain of youth. Well I have news for you. The fountain of youth is within you! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and you need a fitness system that is going to work, then join our accountability group which begins May 18th. One of the reasons why most people can't get their fitness on track is because they don't have anyone holding them accountable to the goals they set for themselves. Well we won't let you fail! In our group we encourage each other to make sure each member receives the support they need to succeed. Make the decision today by commenting below stating your interest and we will get you more information. To your health!

Would you like to jump start your fitness with a cleanse? Choose this one:

PiYo and 3 Day Refresh Kickstarter

Would you like start your workout without delay? Choose this one:


Would you like to jump start your fitness with a cleanse? Choose this one:


Would you like start your workout without delay? Choose this one:

30 minutes. INSANE results.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My review of the 3 Day Refresh Program

Happy Wednesday!

Take a look at my most recent video on my experience with my first round of the 3 Day Refresh! Now don’t judge; I am getting ready to work out so I am not all dolled up! But I thought it was important to share it with you since I was inspired to let you know what you should expect from the experience should you decide this is something you would like to try. I hope you find this helpful. Please comment below and let me know your thoughts. Be well. To your Health, Cheers!


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Remembering who you are

There are times in this life when you meet people for the first time and you try to be cordial and engage them in conversation and you realize you made a mistake. In your efforts to be friendly, you realize that your compassionate spirit is really not for everyone.

It is a shame to realize that some people are just miserable and wish to stay that way. All they truly want out of their life is someone to keep them company in their misery and not change whatever it is that is making them miserable. Their unwillingness to learn is comprised entirely by the banging noise of their own voice to the point where they cannot hear another opinion much less any voice of reason. This comfort with misery is truly a disappointing stain on the human condition. This is why for truly positive people, it is important to be self-aware and never lose yourself or lower your standards by taking offense and firing back at people whose only purpose is to engage you in an ugly battle that is not worth the air or energy it took to entertain the fight. LIFE IS TOO DAMN SHORT.

My affirmation from the experience? Pay attention to the body language and frankly, the verbal language of people that you interact with. Know your priorities. Know what your goals are. Determine if this person remotely fits anywhere within your priorities or goals. Follow your instincts. Finally, act accordingly. Dismiss people who are negative and do not line up with your priorities or goals. Do not engage negative people in a “diss” match because it only serves to fuel their idiocy and brings you to a level that you will only be ashamed of later. Take control and simply distance yourself from these people. If you reach out to the negative people at all, it should be to thank them because they didn’t even try to hide who they really were. They decide to reveal the a$$hole they were upfront. Nevertheless, they will take your lack of response to their absurdity as weakness but that is not your concern. You will know that from this experience you prevailed because you know who you are, you do not succumb to foolishness and you are a stronger individual for the experience.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Summer Is Just Around The Corner!

What are doing to prepare for summer? Are you going to the gym? Do you have a structured program with a trainer helping you with proper exercise for your fitness level? Are you working with a nutritionist who is helping you with meal planning? If not, then you may be interested in a fitness and nutrition plan that includes a structured exercise program, meal plans to help you reign in your nutrition and a Coach (that's me) that will be with you every step of the way.

I am looking for people who would like to improve their health through fitness, proper nutrition and the support and motivation of a team. Studies show that individuals who are trying to live a healthier lifestyle, get better results when they receive the support of other people than individuals who try to go it alone.

When you join my accountability group, you have the assurance that it will be led by a person who has been there and done that, has the t-shirt, coffee mug, writing tablet and pen to match. Simply put, I have been there. You will also be in a group with others that are starting this journey with you or others who may be trying to get back on track. No matter the make up of the group, you will be part of a group of people who are going along the same path as you and you will never be alone.

You might think it is too late to get in shape and begin a path to a healthier version of you. I started my own journey when I was 38 and have continued on this journey to this day. Fitness and nutrition is a lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is a journey that is honored by the accountability and support of others that are on the same path as you are.

Feel free to leave me a comment letting me know that you would like to be part of our group! Invite your friends! It will be the best decision you ever made.

Can Cooking At Home Really Save You Money?

One of my pet peeves is when people believe they HAVE to eat out because they don’t know how to cook.

But why?

Cooking is a skill like any other skill that you can learn. Some may even say it is a necessary skill. Isn’t eating a home cooked, healthy meal a necessity to ensure your good health? When you cook at home you know what it is that you are putting in your mouth because you prepared it yourself. Aren’t you worth taking the time to cook a meal that is healthy for you? Of course you are! Allow me to help you cook at home.

It just so happens that cooking is a passion of mine. I just love, love, love to cook. I know, I know, I am the weird one here. Because I am the weird one, I want to put together some really simple recipes so that you can prepare meals at home. Some meals take less than 30 minutes to prepare. So there is no excuse why you can’t prepare your own meals. Cooking can be simple and satisfying both to the palate and the pocket book!

So, if you are interested, let me know by leaving a comment with your e-mail address and I’ll start sending you “My Daily Recipe” once a day. To all the cynics who think, “I never learned how to cook so why learn now?”, I say, trust me. Once you learn how to prepare your own meals, you will never go hungry and you might even grow to love cooking. You are going to be amazed at the sense of accomplishment you gain by cooking at home. (Not to mention the swell to your budget!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Whatever your dream is, do not wait for the perfect time to make it happen Do not ask any one's permission. Do not become preoccupied with the naysayers that say your dreams are far fetched or impossible. If you can dream it, you can do it. ‪#‎Dreams‬ are reality not manifested. Manifestation occurs when you have a plan. Make up your mind TODAY to create a‪#‎strategy‬ and a ‪#‎plan‬ to turn your dreams into reality. ‪#‎Beblessed‬ ‪#‎justdoit‬‪#‎motivation‬ ‪#‎support‬ ‪#‎youcandoit‬ ‪#‎nevergiveup‬

Monday, February 23, 2015

Getting organized

Today was a great day in organization.  Like most people, organizing my office space is always a battle of wills. But unlike the ordinary, I dug deep and just said to myself "this needs to be done" The bigger things that I want to accomplish in life will not happen unless I am more organized in the simpler things.  I feel so empowered now. Time to move forward, one day at a time, toward all those things I put in my vision board yesterday.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

How to Identify Friends Who Lift You Up and Boost Confidence

My (and your) Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition

Shakeology is possibly the best daily meal replacement shake to help you improve your nutrition. I call it my daily dose of dense nutrition. It also reduces cravings, improves digestion and improves regularity. I know that my daily shake has done wonders to the quality of food that I include in my diet.  It is also clinically proven to lower sugar levels and lower cholesterol.  Wouldn’t you like to be healthier?  Do you have a few pounds to lose? Maybe you have heard of Shakeology and would like to try it but not ready to get a month’s supply.  What if I were to offer a FREE sample? Would you be willing to try it? Leave your e-mail in the comments below if you are interested in a sample.  The first 2 people to post their e-mail will receive a week’s supply of Shakeology.  READY. SET. GO!!!!

5 ways nutritional supplements improve your health

From ancient times people have been taking natural herbs, often homegrown and brewed into teas and tonics. Now they have become more sophist...